Empower your business with technology.

Customer expectations and new technology are forcing you to adapt or fall behind. But global operations, strict regulations and security risks keep your business from adapting quickly. Now, more than ever, you need to both manage and transform your business.

Our travel solutions seamlessly integrate the latest technologies with your business to improve customer experiences and radically advance your workforce.

Pilot and copilot discuss flights over tablet device

Empower your business with technology.

Customer expectations and new technology are forcing you to adapt or fall behind. But global operations, strict regulations and security risks keep your business from adapting quickly. Now, more than ever, you need to both manage and transform your business.

Our travel solutions seamlessly integrate the latest technologies with your business to improve customer experiences and radically advance your workforce.

Smart decisions powered by data

With assets, staff and customers all over the world, it takes considerable effort to keep everything and everyone in sync. We'll help you optimize and maximize use, tying everything together with data.

Workforce mobility

Cross-platform mobile apps deliver the right data to the right people, so they can make critical business decisions from anywhere.

Machine learning

Automating tasks allows you to accurately allocate resources, schedule staff and optimize processes based on intelligent data insights.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Smart devices placed in an airplane, airport or hotel can deliver notifications and provide input that enables real-time operations.

Aircraft engineer uses tablet device in front of airplane in hangar

An execution framework you can trust

We take the time to truly understand your needs and conduct rigorous research to build the best solution. Broad technology expertise combined with our proven process allows us to turn ideas into rich and powerful business outcomes quickly and smoothly.

We serve many industry sectors, including:

  • Airlines
  • Hospitality
  • Hotels
  • Tourism
Businesswoman in airport uses cell phone and laptop computer

Engage proactively with service chatbots.

We integrate conversational agents with your back-end systems to offer personalized and context-sensitive customer service. Smart, automated responses free your staff, allowing agents to focus on complicated requests and high-value customers.

Chatbots scale seamlessly according to need. Unpredictable events can disrupt your entire operation as customers bombard your network with requests and overwhelm workers. Chatbots proactively engage with your customers, calmly and accurately communicating critical information.

Track your most valuable assets.

Planes, parts, agents and assistants — having all of your assets in the right place at the right time makes business possible. We gather, interpret and display data exactly how you need it.

  • Aviation services

    Our airline solutions cover every aspect of human and cargo transportation. When parts break or maintenance is due, you need to get vehicles up and running as quickly as possible to keep everything on schedule.

    We shorten repair times with technology integrates with your management system. Preventive measures guided by predictive analytics can initiate a shipping order and schedule maintenance proactively.

  • Hotel solutions

    Seamlessly check in guests and have rooms available and staff in place whenever you need them. Data insights and machine learning guarantee your resources are allocated properly and efficiently.

    Our hotel technologies can connect your entire workforce. When issues disrupt your workflow, alerts are sent to employees so issues are resolved quickly, unseen by your guests.

Woman in restaurant puts orders in computer

It’s time to modernize your systems.

Dated systems slow down business. We'll help you access complex, legacy systems that are difficult to tie into. Get disparate networks to communicate leads — and gain better data insights and process optimization.

Application modernization refocuses the system on end users and caters to them, helping your business be nimble, efficient and productive.

Traveling couple checks into hotel in lobby

Identity management streamlines work.

Between partnerships, alliances and acquisitions, the hospitality and travel industry faces complex identity management requirements. We unify users in simple, secure environments. We'll empower your staff with a unified login experience from any application and on any device.

Personalized applications enable your users to do more. Determine who sees what with permissions control. And present users with the most relevant information front and center on custom dashboards.

Start innovating your hospitality & travel business.

Increase customer engagement, optimize costs and be more productive. We have the experience and expertise to transform your business.