You need a workforce that's productive, connected and inspired.

At an unprecedented rate, digital natives, mobile proliferation and advancements in cloud technology are changing the working landscape.

We help you evolve your technology offerings to provide experiences that attract, develop and retain the top employees.

With deep analysis and strategic execution, we help your business manage today and transform for the future.

It’s time to advance your business tools.

Flexibility, mobility and agility are now top priorities for employees and customers alike. Businesses are shifting their focus to end users and endpoints to maintain a competitive edge.

But successfully deploying, adopting and managing the tools and technology is complex and costly. We have the people, processes and experience to streamline and simplify your entire infrastructure.

Create your workplace of the future.

We achieve real results through careful planning and strategic delivery. Our comprehensive process details every stage in your Connected Workforce journey, so you know where you're headed and how to get there. Explore our process:

Team having a collaborative brainstorm session in modern office
Group of teammates discuss creative strategy


Assessing your existing state and establishing clear goals provides a solid foundation to guide your journey. To get the most accurate information, we begin each project by interviewing key stakeholders, gathering data and evaluating your infrastructure and offerings.

The cloud readiness of your business, location of your infrastructure and your current technology determine the length of your journey. We identify:

  • Baseline state
  • Business objectives
  • Maturity
  • Digital presence
Close up of site analysis on legal pad
Colleagues analyzing and discussing site data
Team of business professionals gather to analyze site data


Once we've collected your raw data, we explore every potential path to determine the fastest and most cost-effective approach for connecting your workforce. We analyze the data and identify the right devices for your needs, crafting a tailored approach that's optimized to handle your future workloads.

Workshops and interactive conceptualization sessions explore revenue generation, pipeline management and more. We conduct:

  • Data analysis
  • Maturity modeling
  • Hybrid cloud assessments
  • Go-to-market strategy evaluations
Colleagues gathered around table analyzing data
Collaborating teammates brainstorm to create roadmap
Team collaborates to create strategic roadmap

Road map

A detailed road map defines the end result and details the steps to achieve it. We quantify the timeline and cost to give you the most accurate and actionable plan. Based on this information, we're able to determine the length, complexity and cost commitment of your journey.

Our findings explain the major events along your timeline and how they impact your end users. Detailed proposals include:

  • Annotated road map
  • Integration methodology
  • Price breakdown
  • Supporting research
Close up of strategic planning road map
Smiling call center representative taking calls
Dedicated post lauch team meets at table to discuss and monitor deployment


Integrating new technology and transitioning your workforce are critical to long-term success. We’re committed to supporting you post-launch. Carrying out your delivery strategy ensures you see a quick return on investment and get the most out of your new Connected Workforce initiatives.

We see your journey through and provide ongoing managed services. We offer:

  • Continuous improvement
  • Data analytics
  • Ongoing transformation
  • Knowledge management
Man using laptop and cell phone for site discovery in modern workforce

Fuel productivity and retention.

Organizations in every industry benefit from a more engaged and enabled workforce. See how Insight’s Connected Workforce solutions help you build a frictionless work environment.

Solution Area Overview - Connected Workforce

Modernize your operations with Workplace Services.

Enhance every moving part of your business. Automation, self-service and governance can reduce your IT footprint while providing superior user experiences.

End-user support services

Streamline deployments and minimize disruptions when you extend your team with Insight's support services. Learn more

IT governance & transformation

Implement the infrastructure and operations that support the modern workforce. Learn more

IT self-service

Promote autonomy and reduce your IT burden through self-service tools and resources for your workers. Learn more

Service desk

Resolve issues with minimal workflow disruption through chat, knowledge management and more. Learn more

An end-to-end partnership

Evolving your IT environment doesn’t have to be complicated. With our managed services for collaboration, user management, device management and printing, we help you manage costs and simplify workflows across your entire organization.

Learn more

Featured partners:

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Start building your connected workforce.

We’ll help you construct a comprehensive workforce management strategy so you can remain competitive and attract and retain top talent.

Hear from our team