Medical team looking at xray results on tablet device

Innovate your healthcare services.

Healthcare organizations today are expected to do more with less. Among increased regulation, security risks and the demand for better clinical care, legacy systems have become dated and overloaded.

Take a proactive stance instead of reacting to industry changes. Innovations in healthcare technology help you control and reduce costs, improve quality and care delivery, and increase patient satisfaction.

We help organizations transform into continuously learning health systems.

Data insights

Leveraging data, we help clients improve their critical business and clinical strategies to increase and optimize profitability.

Return on investment

To ensure you see a return on your investment in innovation, we identify quick wins that deliver real results with minimum cost.

Future opportunities

Our team works with you to discover opportunities for incremental investments to increase your value over time.


We assess and maximize the commercialization of your intellectual property to help you drive revenue.

Close up of two doctors working on tablet device

An execution framework you can trust

We take the time to truly understand your needs and conduct rigorous research to build the best solution. Broad technology expertise combined with our proven process allows us to turn ideas into rich and powerful business outcomes quickly and smoothly.

We serve many industry sectors, including:

  • Healthcare companies
  • Life sciences companies
  • Payer providers
  • Health product manufacturers

We understand your business.

Our experts draw from deep industry knowledge to deliver winning solutions. We’ve partnered with global leaders to solve some of their most complex challenges. Read the scenarios below to see how we’ve helped our clients.

  • Client: Steward Health Care

    Most health systems spend a large portion of their budget on staffing costs. Steward was determined to decrease operating costs while increasing patient care quality.

    Using staffing and patient data combined with predictive modeling programs, we were able to help Steward more accurately predict staff volume and improve patient flow, saving millions of dollars. Over time, models will adapt and become more accurate as more data is collected.

  • Client: Weka Solutions

    Weka wanted to make vaccines easier to manage, access and store. The company designed a smart fridge with automated controls supported by the Internet of Things (IoT) and the cloud, specifically, to store vaccines.

    We set up a program that receives sensor and inventory data from the smart fridge to ensure the system is stocked and running properly. A customized portal displays critical information, and real-time management saves clinicians time and money.

  • Client: Global medical devices manufacturer

    As a company dedicated to creating innovative medical solutions for better patient outcomes, this manufacturer needed a new enterprise mobility strategy to equip its sales staff.

    We architected a flexible and powerful sales enablement application. Employees now access the tool on multiple devices using an intuitive user interface. Going forward, the application will be less expensive to build, deploy and maintain.

  • Client: Worldwide medical technology company

    To provide better disease management for people with diabetes, this company wanted to launch a digital personal health assistant. The chatbot would educate, monitor and guide people to help them navigate diabetes-related daily life choices.

    We created a mobile-friendly conversational agent that communicates with patients in real time using natural language processing capabilities. It helps manage patient diets, collects data and provides answers in a seamless, frictionless patient experience.

Female scientist works on laptop computer

Fast solutions with real clinical value

Your business needs to adapt quickly in order to stay relevant and competitive. We address challenges head-on, chipping away at problems by focusing on small wins with big impact. Seemingly small improvements can lead to millions of dollars in saved resources.

By concentrating on incremental improvements early on, we build trust, prove return on your investment and demonstrate the value of our healthcare technology solutions.

Harness the power of data.

Use data to fuel smart decision-making and accomplish more with less. We integrate analytics into your clinical workflow to help your existing infrastructure operate more efficiently and effectively.

Labor management

Ensure patients get the care they deserve. We apply statistical and data modeling to better manage your clinical workforce.

Patient stay

What speedbumps slow your clinicians? We optimize patient flow and reduce stay lengths so you can test, diagnose and cure quicker.

Data cleansing

Health systems need clean data. We have the processes and expertise to gather and standardize your data for accurate predictions.

Mature couple uses tablet device with doctor

Provide real-time care.

Rising life expectancies are increasing the need for longer-term care plans, forcing health systems to stretch their resources even further. Digital health assistants can bridge this gap. Our conversational agents, or chatbots, ask informed questions, collect rich data and deliver critical alerts.

Personal health assistants can assess patient needs by asking simple questions, such as:

  • How is your pain level today?
  • Have you taken your medication yet?
  • What have you eaten this morning?
  • May I schedule your follow-up appointment?

Advance with the latest technology.

We design modern applications that use cloud technology, the IoT and smart devices to automate tasks and reduce human error. See how built-in compliance measures streamline your workflow and secure your most important information.

Innovate your health & life sciences business.

We'll help you streamline your clinical workflows and provide better patient care.