Team plans out cloud strategy on various devices

Your cloud journey, simplified

Forward-thinking organizations know investing in the cloud is critical for long-term growth. But deciding what to migrate requires thorough evaluation and technical knowledge. A successful cloud strategy needs to be driven by your unique business needs and critical workloads.

We’ll modernize and streamline your IT with a diverse cloud portfolio. We’ll design a fully operational and efficient environment that optimizes management, workload placement and interoperability.

Project manager explains benefits of cloud technology

Gain flexibility and performance.

To benefit from the cloud’s agility, stability and self-service, it’s important to remember one size does not fit all. The public cloud isn’t right for every project, and many organizations will continue to rely on their on-premise infrastructure to handle certain workloads.

We’ll help you navigate to the cloud with:

Three business women in front of open office window on tablet device

Extensive cloud services

The cloud is changing how organizations operate in many ways. A range of services provide key information to help you understand how to maximize benefits and minimize risk.

Our services include:

  • Cloud consulting services
  • Cloud readiness assessment
  • Cloud proof of concept
  • Cloud platform alignment

Why Insight for cloud?

Experience, skill and a proven process are necessary to create a successful cloud strategy. Our end-to-end approach will guide you at every stage in your cloud journey. Explore our 4-step methodology:

Team having a collaborative brainstorm session in modern office
Group of teammates discuss creative strategy

Step 1: Share best practices.

We’ll explain the technology landscape and show you what’s possible with examples of ideal workload placements from projects we’ve completed for clients.

Collaborating teammates brainstorm to create strategy
Team collaborates to create strategic ideas on whiteboard

Step 2: Discuss challenges.

In order to meet your goals, we get a clear understanding of your entire infrastructure and identify weaknesses and bottlenecks.

Business woman drawing out ideas on easel in modern office
Team of business professionals gather to brainstorm ideas

Step 3: Outline cost components.

Custom return-on-investment and total-cost-of-ownership models give you clarity around hardware, software and service investments.

Team gathered around laptop developing action plan
team collaborating in modern office with laptops

Step 4: Develop actionable plans.

An actionable road map includes specific recommendations on how to transform your IT and gain the full benefits of the cloud.

Find the right cloud for your business.

Each cloud platform has perks and drawbacks, making it uniquely suited for certain applications. We’ll help you match the right job to the right cloud. Explore your options:

  • Public cloud

    In the public cloud, compute and storage are hosted on external servers and delivered over the internet. Servers are managed by cloud service providers who bill based on usage.

    Benefits include:

    • Scalability — never run out of space
    • Cost efficiency — only pay for what you need
    • Reduced management — vendors maintain equipment
    • Simplicity — remote servers share the workload
  • Hybrid cloud

    Deploying a hybrid cloud gives you the benefits of both private and public clouds in one integrated solution that helps you do more, on your terms.

    Benefits include:

    • Flexibility of public cloud
    • Security of private cloud
    • Control of mission-critical workloads
    • Security extending from on premises to cloud
  • Private cloud

    A private cloud allows organizations to achieve many of the benefits of a public cloud while maintaining in-house control. Though it is generally less cost effective and more complex, some organizations prefer the ability to manage their technology completely.

    Benefits include:

    • Ease of scalability
    • Total ownership
    • Control of risk and compliance
    • Virtual machine provisioning and configuration

Get cost savings with as-a-service offerings.

As-a-service models mean you only pay for what you use. Along with increased agility and seamless scalability, outsourcing some of your environment through as-a-service relieves your IT burden — as vendors manage the technology while you get all of the benefits.

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

    Companies are facing pressure to move faster while staying within budget. Instead of buying and managing expensive hardware, IaaS allows organizations to use and configure virtual hardware in the cloud.

    Quickly respond to organizational needs by accessing cloud-backed IaaS. On-demand scalability gives you a competitive edge, cuts cost and streamlines your workflow. You manage applications and data, while your vendor handles virtualized servers, storage and networking.

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)

    Bundling your entire platform and offering it on a pay-by-use model frees IT teams to focus on innovation. With PaaS, you can launch new applications without worrying about creating the underlying infrastructure that supports them.

    Instead of adding resources to manage new technology, vendors provide the storage, servers, network, operating system, middleware and more.

Businessman on tablet device in office

Storage you can count on

Safely managing your data is integral to an effective application or product launch. The cloud’s enhanced permission controls and two-key authentication supports application accessibility and security.

And, as projects grow, IaaS solutions automatically load-balance your data, so you don’t have to worry about capacity limits.

Cutting-edge cloud security

Microsoft® Azure provides advanced encryption tools to protect your data from corruption and breaches. We’ll help safeguard your information by leveraging:

Identity management

Azure Active Directory® systems provide anytime, anywhere access to your trusted data owners and stakeholders.

Application security

Testing and pre-approving applications in the cloud ensures data isn’t transmitted to unauthorized channels.


All critical data, such as customer information, is encrypted and only accessible by authorized parties.

Find your place in the cloud.

We’ll match the right cloud platform with your unique needs. Connect with a specialist to find out how we can help you boost performance, mobility and security.

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