IT support professionals gather around computer to assess security

Remove IT security blind spots.

IT budgets for security technology and software are on the rise. Gaining visibility into your software lifecycle can provide a measurable picture of your organization’s level of preparedness.

We can help you leverage the data from SAM tools to determine the depth and breadth of risk your organization is exposed to.

Software risks you can’t overlook

Take control of your software licensing strategy and create a strong alliance between your SAM and IT security. Improving your organization's security and compliance keeps out attacks and reduces your risk for costly audits. As you evaluate your software options, let us help you examine these common issues:

  • Unauthorized software

    Unauthorized software increases the likelihood of an attack. Any software that is not authorized is likely unmanaged — without proper patching, updates and configurations.

  • Unsupported software

    Outdated software exposes loopholes, which are vulnerable to attack, limit your ability to plan for future growth and increase the likelihood of a crash — resulting in costly downtime.

  • Server software patches

    Running workloads in a data center with too many operating system and application versions increases the complexity and reduces your ability to automate and simplify.

  • Global data security

    Violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can be extremely costly. To avoid risk, you’ll need to gain visibility into your applications across all of your devices.

Why Insight for software security and compliance?

With nearly three decades of SAM experience, we have the people and processes to dig deep into your software licensing strategy. We’ll help you make the necessary improvements that enable you to manage your workloads.

Meaningful SAM solutions, delivered your way

Get the perfect solution to solve your challenges and improve business outcomes with our software asset management services. And use our powerful SAM tools to find the right balance between protection and availability.

SAM Assessment

Data collection and advanced analytics give you a snapshot of your current inventory so you can make informed software decisions. Learn more

Managed SAM programs

Revolutionize what it means to outsource IT and enable your business to innovate more with the right team to handle the details. Learn more

Security with SAM tools

Our tools give you views into the behaviors and challenges of your organization that impact security and compliance. Learn more

Two business women view inventory management solutions on computer

We’ll take an inventory of your software.

Inventory management is a must for efficient control and up-to-date data on your software entitlements. At a minimum, you need to see the device class and what’s installed on the device for all of your infrastructure components.

With Insight, you can choose from a wide range of services to gain visibility into your asset inventory, including:

Software audits: Peace of mind is a matter of choice.

Effective management of your software usage and entitlements improves your overall IT security and ensures compliance, giving you an edge in audit negotiations. When you work with Insight, you’ll gain a proactive partner who understands the value of audit defense.

Remove complexity.

We manage complex licensing programs, such as software that’s bundled with other products and services. We’ll simplify your lifecycle, improve governance and standardization, automate renewals and prevent overlicensing.

Pool licenses.

We’ll help you maintain your software asset inventory at an optimum level — reallocating or rationalizing licenses, identifying upgrades and pooling licenses for reuse. This helps you get more out of your IT investments.

Get the right software.

Because of our relationships with software publishers, we have the expertise to ensure you’re using the right software for your business goals. We’ll give you visibility into where your largest budget and user liability is.

Smiling man in glasses is able to work anywhere anytime on his own device

SAM security in the age of BYOD

Giving employees more freedom and flexibility to choose where they work and which device they work on can provide your business with tremendous benefits, such as increased productivity and a more engaged workforce. But, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) also adds complexity to IT management and data security.

You need visibility into who's accessing your corporate network, what data and apps they're accessing, and the types of devices being used. Insight will help you put in place the right controls to protect your most critical information while providing device freedom to your employees.

Protect your business and prevent risk.

Connect with our team of experts to learn how we can help you achieve your software security and compliance objectives.

Hear from our team