Newsroom Insight in the news


IDG Survey: Only 25% Have Completed Initial IT Modernization Goals


Only one in four enterprises pursuing IT modernization initiatives have completed their initial objectives, yet even those in the earliest stages of the journey are reaping measurable benefits that are driving business transformation, according to Cloud + Data Center Transformation's “The State of IT Modernization 2020" survey.

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CDN Top 100 Solution Provider Customer Success Stories

by Channel Daily News

Insight Canada is featured on the Channel Daily News Top 100 Customer Success Awards. ICA worked with Apple to develop an easy-to-use app for an artificial heart manufacturer to detect irregularities after a transplant. Insight addressed the needs of the client and its patients by recommending the iOS platform to enable faster diagnosis, intuitive technology for elderly patients and cost-effective leasing.

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World Changing Ideas Awards 2020: North America Finalists and Honorable Mentions

by Fast Company

Insight Enterprises (NASDAQ:NSIT), the global integrator of Insight Intelligent Technology Solutions™ for organizations of all sizes, was recognized with three honorable mentions in Fast Company’s 2020 World Changing Ideas Awards.

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Navigating the Rapid Transition to Remote Learning in Ed Tech Systemics

by Education Talk Radio

VP of Insight Public Sector, Scott Friedlander, discusses the future of EdTech with Education Talk Radio.

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Partners Donate Technology, Services to Pandemic Relief

by TechTarget

Among organizations helping to battle the coronavirus, Insight is featured in this TechTarget article for its partnership with Vivli, a nonprofit data sharing and analytics platform, to develop a COVID-19 data sharing portal.

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New Insight IoT Platform Solves Universal Challenges Across Industries

by AIThority

Insight Digital Innovation launches the Connected Platform to simplify implementation and management of integrated smart solutions for any industry. “Connected Platform is IoT made easier for the table-stakes areas of business that organizations are constantly looking to improve. We’re providing immediate core functionality that can be quickly customized to enhance how you manage your people, your locations, your assets, and your alerting and reporting,” says Jeff Dodge, director, Digital Innovation.

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6 Ways to Optimize Your Innovation Spend


Innovation is key to organizational growth, yet most companies shortchange innovation initiatives when it comes to budgeting. CIOs should consider asking vendors and partners to work with their own IT teams on developing innovative ideas into features or products as a joint investment. Jeff Shumway, CIO at Insight, has put this approach into action.

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Is Your Printer Your Weak Security Link?

by Business News Daily

Today, the printer may be the most vulnerable piece of equipment in the office; yet, it often gets less security attention or protection than other devices accessing the network. This can open a company to serious security problems, according to Jason Rader, national practice director of security services at Insight. "Given their storage capabilities, printers also contain enormous (and often sensitive) data, which includes every document that's been printed or sent via that printer," he said. In addition, because printers are connected to company emails, a hacker can gain access to the information and email it to him or herself.

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A Trial Run in Remote Work: Tips and Tricks From the Field

by InformationWeek

Insight CIO, Jeff Shumway comments on the work-from-home lifestyle, as our current situation offers a glimpse into the future of work. Much of the workforce has been thrust into a brave new world: working from home. Remote work comes with new hurdles, which may include reduced or more difficult access to IT support, as well as novel challenges to maintaining a schedule and productivity. This article shares a few tips and tricks remote workers can take to minimize technological disruptions and maintain their physical and mental health.

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How to Get More Value Out of Cloud Services


Without taking advantage of native cloud services, performance optimization and automation capabilities for enterprise systems are limited. In this eWEEK article, Scott Cameron, principal architect Insight C+DCT, outlines steps that organizations can take to minimize cloud overhead, optimize cloud management and make the most of their cloud journey.

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Podcast: How IT Can Enable A Remote Workforce

by IPSwitch

Hear Insight national director of network and cloud security, Jason Rader on the Defrag This, a podcast for conversations on IT security and the remote workforce. Some of us embrace the work from home culture, while others dread it. But there is a lot IT can do to minimize issues and distractions from a WFH culture. We’ve all rapidly expanded remote work capabilities as a matter of necessity. But what security considerations may have been overlooked? Rader discusses remote work security issues and how IT can continue to mature its approach.

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4 Relationships IT Leaders Can't Overlook

by The Enterprisers Project

Mark Wavle, Insight Digital Innovation senior architect, writes that there are a few key stakeholders beyond the customary leaders of an organization that IT needs to build strong relationships with to ensure every business is a technology business at heart: technology users, vendors, and the risk and compliance team. But perhaps most important is understanding your own strengths, weaknesses and needs.

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IT Modernization: The Backbone Of Business Transformation

by Forbes

Insight CEO Ken Lamneck's latest Forbes article discusses the importance of building IT modernization into long-term plans and why businesses must be systematic in their approach. Drawing upon findings from Cloud + Data Center Transformation's 2020 IDG survey on "The State of IT Modernization," he provides five key guidelines to keep transformation initiatives moving forward with a purpose.

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Insight's de Sousa on Her New European Role

by CRN

Emma de Sousa, Insight's current senior vice president of the United Kingdom business and EMEA marketing, reveals to CRN what obstacles she anticipates in her new role starting next year as president of the company’s EMEA business.

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How Managed Service Providers are Dealing With the Covid-19 Pandemic

by New Statesman Tech

In this New Statesman Tech article, Insight CEO Ken Lamneck says that as employees are working remotely, there is far more need from his company’s customers for user support. “The number of calls for this has gone up substantially because even though some of the larger companies would still have people on site for certain positions, with this situation the majority of their workers are working from home and they have different capabilities to connect in from their homes,” he says.

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How Channel Partners Can Support Coronavirus Research With Folding@Home

by CRN

Juan Orlandini says anyone with a computer or server should consider lending idle compute resources to research efforts against the novel coronavirus — a relatively simple task that his company, Insight Enterprises, has been doing for a little over a week. The effort is made possible by Folding@Home, a distributed computing application first developed at Stanford University 19 years ago that is now being used to direct underutilized CPU and GPU resources to help develop potentially life-saving therapies for COVID-19 from across the world.

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Edge Computing is the Next Growth Area for MSPs, Says Insight Enterprises CEO

by New Statesman Tech

In this New Statesman Tech profile piece on Insight, CEO Ken Lamneck explains that businesses increasingly seek managed support as they delve into hybrid and multi-cloud environments. The need for managed services will continue to expand as the intelligent edge creates a new dimension to computing, and Insight has devised a Connected Platform to make managing the complexities of the edge more palatable.

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Every Business is a Technology Business

by Phoenix Business Journal

Steve Dodenhoff, president, Insight North America was featured in a Phoenix Business Journal article. He discusses how each year, Insight fields a comprehensive survey to understand how our clients feel about the opportunities and challenges of leveraging technology to grow their businesses. For the past few years, one thing has been clear: Today, every business is a technology business.

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When Organizations Halt or Walk Away from IT Modernization

by Network Computing

Network Computing featured Insight's IDG report on the state of IT modernization, commissioned by Insight in a recent article. Though some 67% of respondents indicated that IT modernization was core to the launch of their business transformation objectives, many organizations also admitted they put a stop to some of their plans last year.

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What's Behind Today's IT Infrastructure Modernization Strategies?

by TechTarget

IT modernization has a lot of moving parts, however it often involves deploying, adopting and/or upgrading on-premises, cloud and edge platforms, and then optimizing and integrating those platforms. Insight's "The State of IT Modernization 2020" report was featured in this article along with its findings on only 25% of respondents meeting their initial IT infrastructure modernization goals. Challenges to success included establishing new governance strategies, as well as defining, optimizing and integrating the data platforms these policies were meant to govern.

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Top Embedded Analytics Examples in Enterprise Applications

by TechTarget

Ken Seier, chief architect of data and AI at Insight, is quoted in this TechTarget article about how analytics provide better customer satisfaction. "When you go to your banking portal, you can get charts and graphs to help you understand your banking," said Seier on discussing how embedded analytics drive customer satisfaction. End users increasingly want more from their applications. If they see a data dashboard, they want to be able to work with the data with the press of a button.

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Insight Enterprises Acquires vNext: Executive Perspectives

by ChannelE2E

Insight last week acquired French Microsoft cloud partner vNext, a move that will help Insight’s ability to guide its EMEA clients’ digital transformation initiatives, including consulting and implementation services.

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Innovations Push Business to the Edge in 2020


Advancements in the past year laid the groundwork for new technology at home, in the office, and especially at the edge in 2020. Matt Jackson, Insight Digital Innovation vice president, says that as edge devices become more intelligent, organizations increasingly will move to a hybrid cloud/edge approach, creating operational efficiencies, improved safety mechanisms, and ultimately limitless business opportunities.

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Moving to Multi-Cloud? Time to Rethink Identity, Access Management

by eWeek

Except for a few mission-critical processes that will remain on-premises because they require intense oversight and control, much of an enterprise’s workloads and data soon will be spread across multi-cloud environments. Insight Cloud + Data Center Transformation provides tips to eWeek on instituting the right identity and access management strategy to protect from threats and ensure that the right users have access to the right information when they need it.

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Survey Finds IT Modernization Efforts Reap Significant Benefits


When it comes to the state of IT, few questions weigh more substantially on the minds of CIOs and other business-technology leaders than the degree of success they see in their digital transformation efforts, and foundational to that is their efforts to modernize their technology stack. Insight's new survey on IT modernization finds that despite 59% of respondents reporting moving forward with their modernization efforts, 41% said they have delayed or abandoned those efforts.

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Only 25% of Businesses Have Reached IT Modernization Goals

by CIO Dive

CIO Dive highlights key results from the Insight-commissioned 2020 IDG survey. Delays in IT modernization are pervasive across businesses, the study finds. By the time 2020 began, 59% of companies were lugging an IT backlog from 2019, a delay 90% of business leaders say could negatively impact revenue in one to five years.

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Insight UK Boss Lands EMEA Top Job


Insight has revealed forthcoming changes in its senior European management team, with a shuffling of executives that will have an impact on its UK leadership. With Emma de Sousa taking leadership of Insight EMEA starting in 2021, the company sees her as someone who builds high-performing teams, delivers results and has a strong knowledge of both Insight and its activities in the EMEA region.

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Modernizing Small And Midsize Business: Good For Them, Good For Tech

by Forbes

IT experiences at growing small and midsize businesses aren't always given their due, says Insight CEO Ken Lamneck. He digs into what these companies say are their greatest tech needs, adding that solution providers need to look for the areas where there are mutually beneficial opportunities for collaboration.

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Rachael Bertrandt on Being an Insightful Leader

by Profile Magazine

There are human stories behind every business, and Profile Magazine shares how Insight's Rachael Bertrandt rose from a small town in Wisconsin to become Insight's global corporate controller and principal accounting officer. She says global companies need to be mindful of cultural differences: “At Insight, our company culture is extremely important to every one of us as a part of what we do as an organization, which makes for a common language in our global organization. We can then build from there.”

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Insight Enterprises CEO: Edge Computing ‘Still In Very Early Innings’

by CRN

CRN provides highlights of Insight's fourth quarter and FY19 earnings call, in which CEO Ken Lamneck says that Insight sees the edge as leading the way for clients to move forward with the cloud. "As things move more and more to the edge with technologies like AI and IoT, that will drive a significant amount of hardware that we haven't seen in the past."

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SaaS, PaaS, IaaS: The Differences Between Each and How to Pick the Right One

by TechRepublic

When thinking about migrating to the cloud, these are three core models to choose from. Sridhar Vasudevan, senior principal strategist of C+DCT strategies at Insight is featured on what each model of the cloud does and which one is right for your business. There are three prevailing cloud service models: Infrastructure-as-a -Service (IaaS); Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS); and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). All provide a layer of abstraction to service users building application systems, according to Vasudevan.

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Eight Arizona Companies Make the Grade on 2020 LGBTQ Equality Rankings

by Phoenix Business Journal

Insight was among the eight Arizona companies on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2020 Corporate Equality Index in a measurement of LGBTQ inclusive business practices. Insight increased its score from 60% to 70% this year through initiating resource group, Insight Stands Out that supports LGBTQ employees, families, and community advocates. Featured in Insight's 2020 Corporate Citizenship report, it promotes a “highly visible and inclusive work environment” and offers volunteer opportunities centered on LGBTQ diversity.

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IoT Makes Houston Schools Safer

by IoT Playbook

Insight is helping educators in Houston by implementing Internet of Things (IoT) technology to improve school safety. Insight contributes a suite of products known as Connected Safety that tracks safety sensors such as cameras, physical and virtual “panic buttons,” and noise and gunshot-triggering devices. The software also communicates outward to sensors such as smart LED bulbs and smart digital displays. Using these, a school can create a primary and secondary radius around an event to enhance situational awareness and help communicate evacuation plans.

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See Which Arizona Public Companies saw the Biggest 2019 Stock Price Gains

by Phoenix Business Journal

Of the 33 Arizona-based companies with market capitalization of $50 million or more, Insight was among the public companies that saw the biggest 2019 stock price gains, according to information provided by Bloomberg News and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Agile Teams Wish Their Leaders Knew These 5 Truths

by The Enterprisers Project

Steady leadership when tackling complex challenges enables teams’ delivery, users’ delight, and an organization’s overall success. Mark Wavle, Insight Digital Innovation national lead for Agile Enablement Services, explains how leaders can get in the way of agile teams and limit their success. He provides five truths to consider whether an organization is guilty of these roadblocks.

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SMBs Grappling With Digital Transformation Initiatives

by TechTarget

SMBs are eager to embrace digital transformation, but many encounter challenges when trying to implement new technology. The new Insight 2020 Technology Report calls out where mid-market and small businesses are running into obstacles. "Many companies perform a lift and shift. They simply take their existing applications and port them to the cloud. In those cases, they do not take advantage of any of the modernization features available in the new environment," says Joe Clinton, Insight Central Region Sales Director.

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Digital Workplaces Mean More Than Instant Messaging

by Forbes

It's hard to imagine an industry today in which the participants are not required to launch innovative products and services for their customers more quickly than ever. Collaboration across teams with diverse backgrounds has been found to accelerate this innovation, but how do you enable this in today's workforce? In this guest column for Forbes, Insight CEO Ken Lamneck delves into the benefits of a digital workplace.

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Dell Technologies Partners Tap Into Cross-Selling Strategy

by TechTarget

Insight was mentioned in this article on its partnership with CoreView, a SaaS management platform for Office 365, to support businesses in the Italian market.

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Q&A: Identity & Access Control in a Multi-cloud Environment

by Digital Journal

In an exclusive interview, Insight Cloud Security Architect Richard Diver tells Digital Journal the rise of multi-cloud is complicating identity and access control. "Standards are different across the platforms, so it is important that we find solutions that can bridge the gaps and bring uniformity to the way we operate the disparate environments. Identity access management, cloud access security broker, cloud workload protection platform and cloud security posture management platforms are all key to building this new multi-cloud strategy."

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5G is Poised to Transform Manufacturing

by NetworkWorld

Kim Knickle, retail industry specialist for digital innovation at Insight, is featured in this article by Network World. 5G wireless holds much promise for manufacturing facilities, largely for its speed and low latency, so a few early adopters are buying into the technology, but it’s pervasive use in factories is still years off.

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Scott Walters

Ariel Kouvaras
Sloane & Company

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Fast Facts

Insight was founded in 1988.

We have operations in 19 countries.

Insight is Microsoft’s largest global partner.

We were recognized by Forrester Research for our global software capabilities.