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Trish O'Keeffe

Sr. Manager, Cloud Software Solutions, Insight Canada

Trish O’Keeffe is a 20 year veteran at Insight Canada. She began her IT career in the traditional sense in desktop and network support helping build out the infrastructure for the current HQ in Canada. That experience was further developed when she moved to the Insight Merger and Acquisitions team where she helped integrate 3 companies Insight purchased globally. Proving that a career in IT can span more than managing infrastructure Trish moved to the operations side managing procurement and logistics for Insight internally, including building and growing the Insight configuration center in Montreal. As no career in technology would be complete without sales, Trish then moved to manage the Eastern SMB sales team, later managing the Field enterprise sales team for the central and eastern regions. Her current role is enabling digital transformation and cloud growth for Insight’s clients across Canada.