Microsoft Project

Adopt the project management software that helps you deliver successful outcomes.

The right option for your business

Every organization has unique needs. At Insight, we offer procurement options to match your staff size and business objectives.

Bundled solutions

Need up to 500 seats? Our Modern Workforce Solutions combine Project with our IT services and ongoing support.

Volume licensing

Need over 500 seats? We’ll help you explore your licensing choices to get the best pricing and Enterprise Agreement.

Screenshot of Microsoft Project templates

Collaborate seamlessly.

Now it's easy to enable project management and collaboration from virtually anywhere. Microsoft provides tools for project managers, project teams and decision-makers.

Microsoft Project is the only management system designed to work seamlessly with other Microsoft applications and cloud services. It will help you:

  • Optimize resources.
  • Centralize your work.
  • Refine strategies.
Microsoft Project portfolio management screenshot

View every detail.

Project portfolio management software helps you strategically evaluate and optimize your projects.

You'll see how resources are used and be able to collaborate with your team through integrated tools. Simplified task and time management provide heightened executive oversight and let you enter updates from anywhere.

Project Office 365 screenshot

Control your project outcome.

Optimizing your project plans delivers better results. Microsoft Project Online provides robust tools for tasks, resource assignments and scheduling. And, seamless integration with collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams and Yammer® encourages teamwork.

Built-in reports and business intelligence tools help you visualize data to gain insights across projects, programs and portfolios. Make more informed decisions with Microsoft Project Online.

Microsoft Project plans

Keep all of your projects, teams and resources organized and on track with the essential project management tool.

Project Online Essentials

Make project management easy and
collaborate from virtually anywhere.



per user/month

empty icon graphic

  • Time sheets
  • Task management
  • Administration
  • Active Directory® integration

Project Online Professional

Efficiently plan projects, track status
and collaborate from virtually anywhere.



per user/month


  • Powerful scheduling
  • Optimized resources
  • Task management
  • Collaborative workspaces

Project Online Premium

Manage your portfolios, programs and
resources for optimal outcomes.



per user/month


  • Portfolio optimization
  • Integrated collaboration
  • Optimized enterprise resources
  • Efficient project management

Pair your Project Online plan with one of Insight's Modern Workforce Solutions.

Insight's Modern Workforce Solutions.

All Project Online subscriptions come with our Basic bundle. Migration services and Admin-on-behalf services add-on options are not available for Project plans.


Microsoft Project Online subscription

24/7 IT support from Levels 1–3, depending on your needs

  • Level 1: Insight will help with your account management and any services and security changes.
  • Level 2: We’ll resolve application issues and help you with connectivity and advanced problem resolution.
  • Level 3: Insight will work with Microsoft to fix service breaks, large-scale network disruptions and to provide complex support.