A dedicated policing team

Insight’s security cleared, dedicated Police team have had the privilege to support and supply ICT hardware, software, professional services, consultancy and managed services to all UK police forces for over 15 years.

Police forces across the UK provide an outstanding standard of service to the public, but as crime increases in complexity, so demands on police resources become ever greater. Forces must embrace new technologies to stay secure, efficient and effective, and Insight is at the forefront of the drive to provide the Police with cost effective, high quality and time saving solutions.

We help:

  • Local police forces
  • Specialist capability teams
  • Enable business delivery
  • Supply Chain Optimisation; creating cost savings that can be redirected to budgets in support of frontline policing
  • Agile working; supporting the adoption of mobile technology to further enhance the benefits of the National Enablement Programmes Productivity Services. Productivity Services enable you to enjoy the benefits of Microsoft 365, including safer, better ways of working, time and productivity returns and enhanced information sharing and collaboration
  • Data driven decision making; Advanced Analytics that harness the vast quantities of data collated by the collaborating police forces. Example use case is utilising Power BI to model workforce management
  • Online services; improve interaction with the public via improved online services
  • Digital forensics; AI and enhanced forensic workstations to improve workflow and speed up evidence gathering from digital evidence, reducing time to conviction
  • Provision of In-vehicle and mobile devices to support the agile and remote working environments necessary for improving the speed of response and access to information required in the field.

  • Agile working; not just improving frontline services, but also allowing back office support staff to work remotely, can mean estate rationalisation becomes an opportunity for increased cost savings
  • Provision of In-vehicle and mobile devices to support the agile and remote working environments necessary for improving the speed of response and access to information required in the field
  • Enabling efficient and cost effective management of technology, can help create cost savings that can be reinvested in front line policing

Framework Guide

Framework arrangements are set up by Public Sector bodies (often called Public Buying Organisations (PBOs) with suppliers to provide goods and services according to certain requirements.

Discover Public Sector Frameworks

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