Two employees looking at desktop monitors

Simplify collaboration.

Connectivity drives possibility. LogMeIn technology, available from Insight, increases the connectivity between your people, offices and teams. With LogMeIn, you can drive insights, enrich experiences and build truly meaningful relationships.

GoToMeeting from LogMeIn software displayed on technology devices
GoToMeeting logo

Meet anywhere, anytime.

Connect with anyone, anywhere and on any device. With GoToMeeting® from LogMeIn, join meetings quickly and with ease — and experience high quality VOIP and dial-in voice and HiDef video. With GoToMeeting, your online meetings make connections simple and effective.

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Woman using GoToWebinar on desktop
GoToWebinar logo

Reach a larger audience.

With GoToWebinar® by LogMeIn, present to larger audiences seamlessly and clearly with quick adoption and simple ease of use. Record webinars, present with webcams, engage your audience and influence attendees with polls, surveys and question and answer sessions. Customize webinars like never before — anywhere.

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OpenVoice logo

Simple conference calls

Gain a conference call technology that works seamlessly with OpenVoice. No need for a reservation, OpenVoice features access for up to 500 callers at the same time — and integrates with Outlook for a simple joining process. Take your call on the go with mobile apps and “Call Me” call answering.

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Business man working on laptop
LastPass logo

Secure password management

Weak passwords result in 81% of breaches. Make strong passwords a higher priority with LastPass. Logging in is fast and easy, and the password generator creates long, randomized passwords that are secure but already remembered for you.

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LastPass logo

Universal password management

Holistic security shouldn’t be complex.

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LogMeIn Bold360 chatbot

Bold360 logo

Intelligent engagement

With LogMeIn Bold360, provide live-agent software to your users with an engaging Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot. Use Bold360 to gain an entire view of each of your customers with conversations in an intuitive platform. Gather data and leverage actionable insights for every user with Bold360.

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LogMeIn screen displays of Central LogMeIn product
LogMeIn Central logo

Manage routine IT tasks.

Drive business growth by automating and deploying routine IT tasks. LogMeIn Central enables computer grouping to organize computers by location and function, plus security measures that include anti-virus management to protect computers running Central Premier.

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Woman working at open desk with laptop
LogMeIn Rescue logo

Solve issues anywhere they are.

LogMeIn Rescue® empowers you to connect with users in less than 20 seconds — and quickly resolve issues from anywhere. Data from support sessions is quickly collected, analyzed and presented so you can manage all of your support teams effectively.

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